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Stephanie graduated from the Institute of Notre Dame and currently is pursuing her bachelor's degree in Environmental Management at the University of Maryland.  Working with animals has been a life-long passion for Stephanie and after working in emergency animal medicine, she knew her career would always have to be working in the animal field.  She currently has 2 dogs, Gunner and Tilly, 2 cats, Hank and Leon, 2 horses, MC and Roger, and eastern wild turkeys and chickens.

"From a very young age, I have been taking care of all sorts of animals from baby barn swallows I'd find to bottle feeding kittens to assisting in foaling a horse.  Large animals are a huge passion as I love to train horses, but small animals are equally important to me."

Stephanie takes pride in her new position as "Cat Wing Attendant" and a member of the "Feline Friendly Committee" at PVH.  She works hard to make sure the cats are as comfortable and unstressed as she can during their appointments.

"I am a strong believe in fear-free practices in the veterinary field, for both dogs and cats, or any animal for that matter.  Nobody likes to come to the doctor for vaccines and annual blood work, but it's something we do to keep ourselves and our pets healthy.  If I am able to make the pet enjoy their time here at PVH, I have done my job correctly."
