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Help Pets Beat the Heat: Summer Safety Tips

Help Pets Beat the Heat: Summer Safety Tips

     With summer heating up and temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s, it’s time to remember some safety tips to keep pets cool and healthy in the heat.

     Heat stroke is a common concern when outside temperatures soar.  Heat stroke occurs when the body’s temperature increases (typically above 105F) and cannot properly cool down.  A sustained body temperature of 106 or above can cause organ failure and may be fatal.

     Dogs and cats lose heat primarily through panting since they lack sweat glands. Pets overheat quickly, especially if they have underlying health conditions such as respiratory issues, if they are obese or if they are very young or very old.   Breeds with short noses like bulldogs or Persian cats or breeds with long, thick coats such as the Great Pyrenees are also at increased risk for heat stroke.  It doesn’t even necessarily need to be that hot outside if the pet is undergoing physical exertion and cannot cool down, or if they are confined in a hot space such as a car without adequate ventilation.  Working or hunting dogs may be at risk if overworked on hot days.

      Early symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, confusion or dazed appearance, staggering and rapid heart rate.  As the body temperature continues to climb, more serious signs can occur: vomiting and diarrhea, loss of consciousness, seizures, bright red gums and pets can eventually succumb to kidney and liver damage.

     Cats are less susceptible to heat stroke but they CAN overheat, especially if trapped in a hot space like a shed or attic without water.  Cats have similar symptoms such as open mouth breathing or panting, drooling, vomiting, disorientation and restlessness.

     What should you do if you suspect your pet is experiencing heat stroke?  You need to cool your pet down, but be careful not to drop his temp too rapidly.

     *DON’T use ice packs or feed your pet ice.

     *DO offer water if the pet is conscious, not vomiting and willing to drink but DON’T force pets to drink.

     *DO wet your pet with tepid water or place wet towels against the belly and groin areas.

     *DO move to a cool, shady place or indoors with a fan or air conditioner.

     *DO GET TO A VET as soon as you can. Have windows down or the air conditioner on to keep your pet cool on the ride. It’s best to get your pet checked since sustained high body temperatures could lead to serious consequences like organ failure.

     What can you do to reduce the risk of heat stroke? Exercise pets early in the morning or in the evening when temperatures drop, make sure pets have plenty of access to fresh cold water, limit heavy activity during hot weather, provide shade and make sure cats are not trapped in sheds, barns, etc. without access to water.  NEVER leave a pet in a parked car in warm weather, not even for a moment. On an 80-degree day, the interior temperature of a car can rise to over 110 degrees within 10-20 minutes, even with the windows cracked. If your pet must stay in the car, leave the car and air conditioner running; otherwise, leave pets at home when running errands.

     This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.



