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Three Mysterious Feline Behaviors Explained

Three Mysterious Feline Behaviors Explained

               Cats are mysterious creatures and exhibit a number of, well, odd behaviors.  Let’s explore a few to see what they really mean.

  • Why do cats like to show us their butts?  Cats often present their posteriors to people. You may be typing, relaxing or trying to read when suddenly, there’s a cat tail in your face! Why do they do this?  Strange as it may be, it’s actually a compliment. Much like dogs, cats rely on their sense of smell and greet each other by sniffing each other’s derrieres. The raised tail is a sign that your kitty is comfortable with you.  We recommend skipping the butt sniff though and reciprocating by giving your cat a good scratch instead!
  • Why do cats like to lick and chew plastic bags?  Cats seem to have a special affinity for plastic. What’s so alluring about those plastic grocery bags?  Plastic presents a variety of sensory experiences for cats—the crinkling sounds, the smooth feel and some cat like the smell or taste of plastic as well as it is often coated with cornstarch or stearates (fats).  Chewing on harder plastic items may also be a form of stress relief.  But, it’s best not to let your cat indulge in chewing on bags—plastic can become lodged in the intestinal tract causing a blockage. Bags could also become caught around your cat’s neck posing a choking hazard.
  • Why do cats like to head butt?  Head butting or “bunting” is a sign of affection. But there is a more scientific explanation as well.  Cats have glands on their heads above their eyes and around their ears that emit pheromones when they rub against you, another cat or even an inanimate object. The chemical signal makes you smell more like your cat and is reserved for marking things that your cat likes.  Confident cats are more likely to bunt, so don’t feel slighted if your kitty doesn’t head butt you, but you should feel special if you get the royal treatment of a rub by your favorite cat!

As you can see, our feline companions sometimes engage in what seem like odd behaviors, but there are reasons that cats do what they do.  Our cats’ quirks are what make them all the more endearing to us. Show you cat love by giving her a chin scratch or petting him at the base of his tail.  You might get a tail in your face or an enthusiastic bunt in return!

This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.
