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               Leptospirosis is a serious disease caused by several serovars (strains or variations) of spirochete bacteria.  Leptospirosis cases have been increasing in the United States.  While more common in warm humid areas, leptospirosis has been found in all states and all dogs are potentially at risk for contracting the disease.  Leptospirosis can also cause serious illness in people.  Let’s learn more about symptoms, how it’s spread, and how to protect your dog.

               Leptospirosis is found in the urine of many wild mammals including raccoons, skunks, squirrels and rodents.  Urine from wildlife can contaminate streams, ponds, marshy areas and even puddles. Spread of leptospirosis is not limited to rural or wooded areas.  Rats can act as a reservoir in urban areas so city life does not necessarily mean your dog is low risk.  If a dog drinks from an infected body of water or from a puddle contaminated with leptospirosis bacteria he can become infected.  Bacteria can also enter the body through cuts in the skin or mucus membranes.  People can be infected in a similar way by drinking or swimming in infected water or by contact with urine from an infected dog.

               All dogs are potentially at risk; however, hunting dogs, farm dogs and dogs that go swimming or camping are at higher risk. It is estimated that 8.2% of infected dogs are shedding bacteria in their urine.   Once infected, the bacteria enter the bloodstream then the kidneys and other tissues where they multiply and are shed in urine.  Many dogs do become ill.  Symptoms include fever, vomiting, lethargy, decreased appetite and jaundice.  Infection can damage both the kidneys and liver and it can be fatal.  Leptospirosis is treatable with antibiotics and supportive care, but it must be treated early before significant damage to the liver and kidneys occurs. 

Prevention includes not allowing pets to drink from ponds, streams or puddles and vaccinating your dog.  While vaccines are not 100% protective due to multiple strains or serovars, vaccination provides reasonable protection from this potentially deadly disease and reduces the chance that your family could be exposed.  Prevent human exposure by avoiding swimming in potentially infected water supplies, not drinking unfiltered water from ponds or streams and avoiding contact with animal urine.

Leptospirosis is a potentially deadly illness that can infect both dogs and people and cases are on the rise.  Protect your family and your dog by vaccinating your dog today.

This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.
