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Common Questions About Kittens

Top Three Questions from New Kitten Owners

                We see lots of new kittens at Patton, particularly in the summer.  If you are a first time kitten owner, you may have questions about how to take care of your new furry family member.  Here are some common questions that clients ask our vets.

  1.  What should I feed my kitten?  How much should I feed him?  Our vets recommend that cats eat some canned cat food since many cats do not get enough moisture in their diets which might contribute to urinary issues in some cats.  Kittens should be fed a good quality dry food formulated for kittens.  Meal feeding may be better as it is easier to control portions.  We recommend feeding at least twice a day.  The amount of food your cat needs can vary—use the information on the bag or can as a guideline, feed for the desired lean weight and adjust portions up or down depending on your cat’s energy level and body condition.  As a very rough idea, most adult house cats only need ¼ to ½ cup of dry kibble per day.  Occasional treats are OK, but don’t overdo it, and avoid feeding table food to your cat.  Many people also ask if milk is ok.  Some cats may develop diarrhea from cow’s milk, but small amounts are generally fine as an occasional treat.  Orphaned kittens who are being bottle fed should receive commercial cat milk replacer products to ensure proper digestion and nutrition.
  2.  Should I give my kitten a bath?  While you certainly can bathe kittens and cats, they tend to keep themselves pretty clean and generally do not need routine bathing.  If your kitten gets something on her fur, you can bathe her with a gentle pet shampoo.  Cats do not always like water, so bathing is sometimes a challenge!  Clipping your cat’s nails before bathing may reduce the chance of her scratching you.  And, while routing bathing is not usually necessary, brushing or grooming cats is important, particularly if they have long coats.  Otherwise, hair can become tangled and matted.  Cats may also ingest hair when they groom themselves and may vomit hairballs.
  3. When should I get my kitten spayed or neutered?  Kittens are typically spayed or neutered when they are between four to six months of age.  There is no maximum age, but, older cats, especially males, develop a very strong smelling urine and may exhibit urine marking behaviors.  Females will usually have their first heat cycle around six to eight months of age.  It is recommended to spay females before the go into heat, so six months is the average age for spay or neuter.

     We hope this sheds some light on a few common questions about feeding, bathing and neutering kittens.  Our Patton Veterinary staff is always happy to answer any questions you might have about your pet, so don’t hesitate to give us a call or ask us during your appointment!

This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.
