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Three Things That Could Harm Your Pet This Summer

Summer Hazards Part 1

     The heat is on!  Summer officially arrives June 21, and while we are all ready to enjoy the warm weather, there are some things that could be harmful to our pets this time of year, so be on the lookout for these three potential hazards.

  1. Barbecues/Corn Cobs—Barbecues and picnics are summer favorites, but use caution when pets join the party.  Dogs may try to eat discarded corn cobs which are just the right size and cylindrical shape to get stuck in their intestines causing an obstruction which can lead to serious medical problems.  Make sure dogs cannot knock over grills or get into grease trays.  They could be burned or, if they eat grease or other picnic foods, they could develop vomiting, diarrhea or pancreatitis.
  2. Hot Pavement/Concrete—Dog’s paw pads are pretty tough, but, if they are not used to walking on rough surfaces, or, if the surface is very hot, their pads can become burned.  Limit walks to early mornings or late evenings when roads and sidewalks are not as hot or walk your dog in the grass.  Cats can sustain burns on hot surfaces, too, so check your kitty’s paws if she goes outside.  If your pet has burned her pads, keep her off hot surfaces, keep burned areas clean and, if your pet seems very painful or burns look infected, have her checked by your vet.
  3. Fireworks—We all know most pets do not like the loud noises produced by fireworks, but, with the legalization of all types of fireworks in PA this year, other hazards such as ingestion of fireworks or thermal burns could also occur.  Fireworks contain many toxic chemicals and metals and may cause severe gastrointestinal issues or worse if ingested.  Accidental burns can occur if pets get too near sparklers or other lit fireworks.  Keep pets indoors or well clear of sites where you are setting off lit fireworks and make sure they cannot ingest any of the debris left behind.

                We hope you have fun this summer, but keep these potential hazards in mind and be sure to use caution to keep your pets safe this season!  We’ll discuss more things that could harm your pets next week.

This Blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.
