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Is Your Home Pet-Proofed?

Puppy and Kitten-Proofing Your Home

                One of my clients recently relayed that her kitten was playing with the hanging cord from her window blinds and got it wrapped around her neck.  Luckily, the client was able to free her  put the cord out of reach.  But this serves as a good reminder that puppies and kittens are much like children and, if you have a new pup or kitten or are planning to adopt one, it makes sense to have a look around the house and make things safe for your fur-baby.

                So, as mentioned, cords hanging from window blinds should be kept out of reach as they are especially tempting to kittens and could cause strangulation or end up as a foreign body if kitty decides to eat part of the string or that little plastic bit that is sometimes on the end.  Another of my patients ate an electrical cord from a lamp and had to have surgery to remove the plastic, insulation and little bits of copper wire from his stomach and intestines.  In his case, the lamp was not plugged in, but Dr. Kevin just treated a kitten who received an electrical shock from chewing a live cord. Thankfully, he also recovered, but some are not so lucky.  Keep electrical cords out of reach.

                Keep trash cans locked up, put up high or closed off so puppies and kittens (and probably some adult dogs and cats!) cannot get into the garbage and eat things they shouldn’t be eating.  If resourceful pets learn how to get into cabinets, you may have to “child-proof” the cabinet doors and make sure pets cannot get into cleaning supplies, medications or food.

                Kittens and puppies are curious just like babies and tend to explore everything by putting it into their mouths.  Make sure small items like coins, sewing supplies, small toys, hair bands, rubber bands, string, etc. are out of reach of inquisitive pets. 

                Make sure window screens are secure as well, especially on upper story windows.  Pets may push screens out and get loose or fall from upper story windows and become injured.  It is also important to keep toilet seats down, washer and dryer doors closed and any other areas where small pets might accidentally become trapped. 

                Get down on eye level and try to view things from your pet’s perspective ensuring that there are no hidden dangers that can harm your kitty or pup. A safe environment makes for a happy healthy pet!

                This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.
