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Protect Your Pets and Family from Common Parasites

Protect Your Pets and Family from Parasites

               Springtime means warm weather (well, warm-ish around here!) and more time spent outside with our children and pets.  This translates to more exposure to parasites.  While many parasites affect only dogs and cats, did you know that some parasites can be passed to humans and may pose serious health threats?  This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep or enjoy your pets, but it does mean you should consider protecting them regularly with parasite control products. 

               Roundworms are one of the most common parasites found in dogs, cats and other animals. Children may become infected by eating dirt contaminated with dog or cat feces containing roundworm eggs.  Roundworms can cause serious disease in people as larvae migrate out of the intestine and through internal organs.  Roundworms can also cause a condition known as ocular larva migrans leading to blindness if larvae enter the retina.  Ocular larva migrans is thought to affect approximately sixty-five people across the United States each year.  While this doesn’t sound like a lot, those affected can suffer irreversible damage to the eye and permanent blindness. 

               Hookworms may also infect both pets and people.  Hookworms can infect people when larvae burrow into the bare skin of the feet or body when walking barefoot or lying on soil or sand contaminated with feces containing hookworm eggs.  This is known as cutaneous larval migrans and it causes an itchy raised, red rash on the skin. 

               In York County, approximately one out of every 34 dogs and a shocking one in thirteen cats tests positive for roundworms (  Keeping your yard or litter box clean of pet feces dramatically reduces the chance of infection with parasites as does using a monthly parasite control product like Sentinel or Revolution™.   Children’s sandboxes can also be a source of hookworm and roundworm infection so keep them covered when not in use to prevent cats and dogs from using the sandbox as a litter box.   Having fecal samples checked for parasites twice a year is also a good idea.  Keep your pets and your family healthy by making sure they receive regular protection against intestinal parasites from your veterinarian!

               This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.
