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Helping Your Pet Cope With Travel Anxiety

What to do when your pet hates to ride in the car

               Summer travel is in full swing, and I have been fielding a lot of questions lately about what to do for dogs or cats who are anxious when the ride in the car.  Some dogs love riding in the car, but others would rather stay at home.  If you need to take your pet on a long car ride, and he or she is prone to panting, pacing and looking generally uncomfortable, these suggestions may help. 

               For some pets, a dose of Benadryl (diphenhydramine) may be enough to take the edge off of a trip in the old Family Truckster.  Benadryl can often make pets a little sleepy thereby making them less nervous.  In rare cases, it may cause hyperactivity, so try it out before you take your trip. 

               There are a few herbal supplements available for pets that can have a calming effect prior to travel, visitors, or storms.  Rescue RemedyR is one of the best known, but there are others on the market.  Again, effects may vary so use a trial dose before you need it.

               Finally, pheromone products like Adaptil or Feliway can reduce many types of anxiety, including riding in cars.  Adaptil comes as a spray or a collar.  Feliway for cats is available in spray form or as a wipe that can be used to treat the cat carrier.  These may be especially helpful for young puppies and kittens. 

               Though marketed for storm phobias, the Thunder Shirt may also help to calm your dog.  By the way, all of the options listed above are also useful for reducing fear of thunderstorms.

               Of course, if your dog or cat has severe anxiety, these options may not be enough.  Combining options may help such as wearing a thunder shirt on a dog while also giving Benadryl or Rescue Remedy, but for significant cases of anxiety, pharmacological intervention in the form of drugs like Xanax or Acepromazine may be needed to aid your kitten or pup. 

               If you need more information about dosing or want to try the Adaptil, Feliway or a drug like Xanax for your pet, give our office a call and one of our doctors can help you out.  We wish you and your pets happy and safe travels this summer!

               By the way, thanks to all who read Patton’s Postings.  This week’s post marks one full year of writing and posting a weekly blog which was my original personal goal!  I plan to continue for the foreseeable future. 

This Blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding areas. 
