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Pets Help Children With Autism

Autistic Children Show Improved Social Skills When Interacting With Animals

            We all know that pets can lower stress and have a positive impact on mental health as evidenced by programs that allow pets to visit hospitals, nursing homes and programs for veterans and prisoners that allow them to care for and train dogs.  But a 2013 Australian study specifically looked at the impact pets can have on influencing social behaviors of autistic children.

            The study by Dr. Margurite E. O’Haire looked specifically at interactions with autistic children and guinea pigs.  Interaction of a child with a guinea pig lead to 55% more social interactions such as smiling, talking and accepting approaches from other children than when playing with a toy.1 Other studies have shown that the type of pet may not matter—dogs, horses, cats, hamsters and even turtles seem to increase social interactions among children with autism.1   The benefit of owning a pet may be greater to younger children.

            While any pet may provide positive interaction, some children do not like excessive sensory stimulation and touch, and may do better with smaller, calmer pets like guinea pigs, reptiles and hamsters.  These types of pets may also be easier to care for than a dog or cat helping children foster a sense of responsibility and empathy for their pet. 1

            So, why does interacting with a pet create such a positive influence on those with autism?  Dr. O’Haire thinks that animals may make social interactions easier by providing a common focus of attention, by having a calming effect in a stressful environment and by allowing “people to actually perceive you as friendlier, happier and less threatening.”2

            Who knew that cute and cuddly guinea pigs could have such a profound effect on children with special needs?  Just another reason the human-animal bond is so amazing!

This Blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding areas. 

  1.  How Hamsters, Guinea Pigs and Other Pets Can Help Autistic Children, Dr. Laurie Hess, October 22, 2013, VetStreet
  2. How Guinea Pigs Could Help Autistic Children, Audrey Carlsen, February 27, 2013,
