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Happy New Year!

Resolve To Do Something Good For Your Pet in 2015 With Our Pet Wellness Report

            Patton Veterinary Hospital is proud to announce that we have partnered with Antech laboratories and Zoetis to offer a way to get a better picture of your pet’s overall health and risk of illness with the Pet Wellness Report (PWR). 

            Health Risk Assessment questionnaires are common practice in human medicine to examine an individual’s risk of disease and to aid in providing more personalized care.  We are excited that we now have this tool available for our pets!  The PWR is an online questionnaire that helps us get a better picture of your pet’s daily lifestyle.  It’s difficult to get the full picture when we only see your pet one or two times a year.  The PWR is coupled with blood and urine tests allowing us to determine inside and out how healthy your pet really is.  Research shows that as many as 1/3 of all pets have at least one laboratory abnormality present and nearly one in three pets had an identified risk or hidden medical condition based on answers to the questionnaire. 

            There are many potential problems with even seemingly healthy pets that can ultimately shorten their lifespans.  Up to 80% of dogs have some degree of dental disease by five years of age, about 50% of dogs and nearly 60% of cats are considered obese and 20% of dogs over one year of age may have some degree of osteoarthritis. 

            Disease processes found early can also save you money as preventive care costs are generally much lower than the cost of treating an existing illness or problem.  The questions in the PWR cover topics like cancer risk, risk of heart and dental disease, nutrition and safety. 

            We all want our pets to live long, healthy lives and to be part of our families for as long as possible.  You are the best person to provide insight into your pet’s day to day life and we are striving to help make you a bigger part of your pet’s healthcare decisions.  We value your input on how your pet is treated.  Regular wellness visits coupled with labs and the PWR can help diagnose and treat any underlying changes in your pet’s health before a minor illness becomes a crisis. 

            We now have a link on our website to make it easy to fill out the report.  You can even do this before your appointment if you wish.  Go to; click the “Services” tab then the “Pet Assessment Questionnaire.”  This will take you to the site to fill out the health risk assessment for your pet.  You will not receive the full report until the exam and lab tests are completed.

            So, make it a New Year’s Resolution to ask about the new PWR program at your pet’s next appointment or check out the website link.  Do something good to keep you and your pet happy for many years!

This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding areas. 
