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Why Does My Cat Do That? Three Cat Behaviors Explained

Why Does My Cat Do That? Three Cat Behaviors Explained

               Cats display a variety of seemingly bizarre and endearing behaviors. But, what, if anything do they mean? Let’s explore three common cat behaviors and the meaning behind them.

               First, we’ve all seen kitties rub their heads and faces on objects, people and other cats. Are they just being super affectionate? Or is there something more to this behavior?  Turns out, cats have scent glands on their faces—primarily on their cheeks, chin, and above their eyes. When your kitty rubs against you or against an object, she is leaving behind chemical signals called pheromones that allow her to identify you or an object as part of their group and territory. This form of marking is usually associated with cats liking the things they are rubbing. You should feel honored if your cat rubs her face on you—it means she has claimed you as her own!

               Next, why do cats, especially kittens, arch their backs and run sideways? We’ve all seen that classic “Halloween cat” pose—tail puffed out, back arched, ears flat.  Ultimately, this is a defense mechanism. The cat is trying to make himself look bigger and more threatening. However, when kittens do this, it is often a play or “practice” behavior.  Kittens often strike this pose when excited or playful.  This is typically harmless behavior in kittens, but, use caution if your adult cat displays this behavior, especially if he is hissing or growling as this may indicate he is frightened.

               Finally, why do cats knead or “make biscuits”?  This behavior is a throwback to when young kittens are nursing—kneading mom’s belly helps stimulate milk production.  Why continue this behavior?  Kneading cats are often happy and content. The kneading behavior is associated with comfort and affection.  Cats may also knead to mark things (and people!) with more pheromones from glands in their paws or simply to stretch and exercise their legs.

               While these feline functions may seem a little odd, rest assured, if you see your kitty displaying these behaviors, they are perfectly normal and if your cat rubs his face on you or kneads you with her paws, it ultimately means he or she loves you!

               This blog brought to you by the Patton Veterinary Hospital serving Red Lion, York and the surrounding communities.
