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Lucky's Dilemma from Quadrid Productions on Vimeo.

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Many diseases can be caught early and catching a disease early can make all the difference, adding years to your pet's life.

Did you know?

  • If detected early, 75% of common disease in dogs and 63% of common diseases in cats can be prevented by dietary modifications alone over a one-year period.

  • Kidney disease is one of the major causes of illness and death in dogs and cats, but symptoms do not usually appear until 2/3 of kidney function has been lost. If caught early, the animal can live with this condition for many years.

  • If a liver problem is detected at early stage of disease and is administered proper treatment, the chance of your pet's recovery is in your favor.

  • Early detection of diabetes is extremely important because an early therapy regimen can be more effective and easier on the animal. Detecting and monitoring diabetes early can also prevent damage to other organs.

Information supplied by Antech Diagnostics

Additional lab diagnostic information


Heartworm disease is a potentially fatal disease spread by mosquitos. It is simple to prevent, but it can be costly and sometimes risky to treat. A monthly chewable tablet such as Sentinel protects your dog against heartworm disease as well as other parasites like roundworms, hookworms and whipworms. Read More

10 Common Behavior Myths

Canine Weight Chart

Canine Nutrition

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