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Viewing 305 - 320 out of 510 posts

Three Things That Could Harm Your Pet This Summer

Summer Hazards Part 1      The heat is on!  Summer officially arrives June 21, and while we are all ready to enjoy the warm weather, there are some things that could Read More

Grain-Free Diets Linked to Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Some Golden Retrievers

Could a Grain-Free Diet Be Bad for Your Golden?                 Grain-free diets for pets are quite popular these days.  And while they are typically good quality diets, dogs are omnivores eating Read More

Five myths about mosquitos and heartworm disease in pets

Mosquito Myths        Warm, humid weather has arrived and so soon will those annoying mosquitoes.  Mosquitoes carry numerous types of illnesses infecting both humans and animals, but the one we worry Read More

World Turtle Day

World Turtle Day-Help Protect Turtles May 23, 2018 has been designated World Turtle Day.  Did you know that turtle and tortoise habitats are disappearing around the world?  While turtles can make Read More

Patton's Fear Free Veterinary Plan

The Fear Free Veterinary Plan      The Fear Free Veterinary Initiative is a new way of reducing Fear, Anxiety and Stress (FAS) at the vet.  When formulating a fear free plan, Read More

It's Time for Tick Prevention

Protect Your Pet Against Ticks                 Warm weather has finally arrived in York!  But, it’s not all good. The coming of our long awaited spring brings not only sunny days and Read More

Why is My Dog Wheezing/Snorting Like That?

What is a Reverse Sneeze?                 You come home from work and greet your dog who is very excited to see you.  Suddenly, he starts wheezing and snorting, sounding as though Read More

Which Foods Could Harm Your Pet?

Common Foods Toxic to Pets                 Most of us know that chocolate and grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and cats, but there are many other foods that can be Read More

Fear Free Veterinary Care Comes to Patton

Why is Patton choosing Fear Free for Veterinary Care? You may be wondering, “What is the Fear Free Pet Initiative?”  How may it affect your pet’s healthcare? Fear Free Practice Read More

Safety Tips for Air Travel with Your Pet

Air Travel with Pets                 With the promise of warmer weather on the horizon, many of us look forward to traveling and sometimes that includes traveling with our pets.  While it Read More

Facts About Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Facts About Feline Infectious Peritonitis                 Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a frustrating disease affecting cats.  FIP usually affects very young kittens less than six months of age and older senior Read More

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis in Dogs

What the Heck Is HGE?                 HGE or Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis syndrome, (recently renamed Acute Hemorrhagic Diarrhea Syndrome, AHDS for short) is not only a huge mouthful to say, but a potentially Read More

What Type of Collar or Harness Should I Use to Walk My Dog?

What Type of Collar or Harness is Best for my Dog?                 With the first day of spring arriving this week, warm weather is hopefully coming soon to South Central Pennsylvania Read More

How Risky is Anesthesia for my Pet?

Addressing Anesthesia Concerns                 One of the biggest concerns we hear from our clients are fears about their pets undergoing anesthesia.  Sedation and anesthesia can be scary.  What if something happens Read More

Dogs with Unusual Occupations

Five Unusual Jobs Held by Dogs                 Dogs have long been part of the working class—working for the police force and in the military, aiding the blind and those in wheelchairs Read More

Dental Home Care Products for Pets

Top Five Dental Home Care Products                 This week marks the end of February which is traditionally dental health month for pets.  While there is often no substitution for a professional Read More

Viewing 305 - 320 out of 510 posts
